The Destruction of Illusion
Life happens, things fall apart, the tides rise then fall, the curtain lifts, certainty is dismantled.
Usually when we are In the midst of the catastrophic, there is no time to create, record, document. Only later, sometimes much later, can those impressions arise and find form and expression.
The illusion of certainty gives way.
For a moment, we feel the sense of groundlessness.
Then we begin to build again. And so the cycle goes.
While the title of this painting is “The Destruction of Illusion”, the subtitle is “The illusion of Destruction”.

The Promise
Last month we reunited with both our kids for a week of birthday celebrations, then parted company again, each returning to the work of our own lives.
I felt such a sense of joy, beauty, and peace when we were all together, and wanted to create something that evoked that sense of belonging.
Each time I see my kids I promise myself we will come together again soon, sharing another beautiful sunset or sunrise, another pot of coffee under the mango tree.

For me, sanctuary is a place where I can breathe deeply, have no fear of being harmed, and share time with those I love.
A place where I can say, “I am home”.
When I close my eyes, I see this place where the mountains meet the sea and the sky is aglow. I feel the warmth of the sun, hear the song of the birds, smell the sea salt and the night jasmine. Painting “Sanctuary”, I am at once here in my studio and there in that eternal place of peace.

Within each of us there is a place where we feel grounded, peaceful, sure-footed.
It is a deep in-dwelling sense of home.
We may travel the world to find adventure.
But in the end, the greatest riches lie within our own peaceful heart. It can be a hard-won feeling, elusive and fleeting.
This new painting emerged out of visiting that joyful place, a celebration of being awake to the miracle.