Awaken The Artist Within – The Sketchbook Immersion at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California.
April 28-May 2, 2025
Enjoy a deeply immersive artistic retreat at Esalen Institute with Tom and me exploring various creative modalities including:
Color Blocking
Watercolor Sketching
Observational Image Making
Timed free writing
Abstracting from Nature
I love to quote the poet Rumi who speaks of a river of joy that courses through the world. Through these creative practices, we invite that river to flow freely through us. We invite the powerful energy of Esalen’s natural envionment to fill us, dissolving internal blocks, and flowing through our hands out onto the page.
Imagine working in a space where there is no critic? No right or wrong way? Permission granted to play!
The core of this workshop is just that. Its all about ispiration and energy. And we’ll also explore techniques and design principles that will inform your aesthetic and natural mark-making language. Intuition is our guide.
We’ll provide multi-media sketchbooks and all the materials needed to explore painting, collage, drawing, writing, sketching. Your sketchbook will become a schoolroom, a teacher, a repository for your questions, answers, and and “a ha!” moments.
april, 2024