From time to time I like to cut loose and work in an entirely different way than my “normal.” Much of my abstract work comes from simply playing with line. Sometimes I begin by simply pushing the paint around, avoiding arriving at anything too literal or concrete, and simply asking questions with my brush.
The Cosmic Doodle paintings emerged out of a period of working strictly with line. Page after page filled up in my sketchbook, overlapping lines drawn intuitively, sometimes creating images that resembled birds, or circus performers, or simply a musical or lyrical mood. o my surprise, as I began to layer in color, I found other images emerging – dancers, lovers, a whole trapeze act. Lions, and tigers, and bears – oh my!
I love working from intuition, having no expectations of any particular outcomes.
Working freely with no “wrong” way allows me to relax into new spaces and create surprising and dynamic compositions I could never have arrived at any other way. These new pieces offer a fun, playful, color-forward, and modern vibe, and are a delight to create.