Category: Uncategorized
Dreamtime at Ventana through November, 2018
Join me Saturday September 8 at The Glass House Gallery at Ventana in Big Sur for a two hour painting demonstration. I’ll be working in oils, from nature and direct observation, on a large canvas approximately 4’x5′. I’ll be sharing my color palette, brushes, and general approach to landscape painting “alla prima”. 2pm-4pm Painting[…]
Recent Works – Erin Lee Gafill
Jumping in
Day One. Venice, Italy. Tom says let’s stop and paint. I say OK. We sit and face in different directions. As usual I choose the easier composition. Evening sky, reflected on water, bracketed by old palazzos punctuated by shuttered windows. Essentially vertical rectangles with a few decorative details, small terraces dotted with potted plants, bracketed[…]
Art Supplies for Traveling Light in Italy or Elsewhere
Here’s a link to all the materials I recommend for our upcoming Italy trip, in one place: dickblick Traveling and Sketching with Watercolor Too much stuff, and you might be discourage from painting at all. Too little, and you may never begin! Here’s what you need, and why! Here’s the complete list, which I’ve attached[…]

Blog Post Title
What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert. Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.