Blue Pots, Embroidery


Blue Pots, Embroidery

Original Painting by Erin Lee Gafill
16″ x 20″ – Oil on Canvas

For many years, my uncle Kaffe would come to Big Sur for a week every Spring and we would paint together in my mother’s studio.  One Spring, Tom and I went to London and we painted there instead – a happy time filled with many pots of hot tea, long walks on the Hampstead Heath, delicious breakfasts in Kaffe’s cozy kitchen, and the occasional round of knitting or stitching in the studio.  This painting  celebrates the gorgeous azure and emerald tones of Kaffe’s vast pottery collection, with the deep magenta and pink stitching of a treasured tapestry bringing light and dazzle into the tableau.  When I look at this painting now, painted side by side with Kaffe during that all-to-brief visit long ago, I long to set out my own pots and bowls and dishes and set to painting again.

These paintings were created during a twelve-year collaboration between Erin and her Uncle, Kaffe Fassett. Most of them were included in the museum exhibition – Color Duets – Kaffe Fassett | Erin Lee Gafill at the Monterey Museum of Art during the summer of 2021. They are also featured in the Erin’s book and catalog, Color Duets, available through this website.

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