C) 2019 Tom Birmingham
We’re coming back!
Join us at Carmo on Julia Street for Tom’s “I Can’t Draw and You Can Too!” class December 28 1-4pm.
The class is $60 and includes all materials.
My slideshow “Awaken The Artist Within” follows at 4:30-5:30. Also at Carmo, it’s free and will send your home dreaming in full color!
Meantime our shows at Ariodante are still running.
Tom started painting while we waited for our students to arrive on one of our Italy trips a few years ago.
And he hasn’t ever stopped!
Join us at Ariodante Gallery in New Orleans for a show of Tom’s pieces, celebrations of all the places we’ve traveled with the people we love.
Tom’s work was discovered by Laurie Reed, my New Orleans gallerist. She had seen his early pieces popping up on Facebook and in a recent visit to Big Sur was treated to a private viewing.
This month he is the featured artist in the Lagniappe Room at Ariodante.
“I can’t draw and you can too!”
Tom Birmingham

The preview is Friday December 6, 5pm-7pm.
The official art reception is Saturday December 7, 6pm-9pm.
Monday December 9 1pm-4pm Tom is teaching “I Can’t Draw and So Can You!” for anyone who has ever wanted to draw or sketch but felt like they weren’t good enough. The class meets up at Ariodante, is $60, and includes all materials.
Ariodante Gallery
553 Julia Street
New Orleans